Wednesday, January 24, 2007

English Table

The various colleges which comprise CUHK each have their own events for their own students. Included among these events are what are called "English Tables". They invite native English speakers to join these English Tables in order to help the students of their college practice their English. The main draw of this event for me is simply the free dinner. I also enjoy meeting new students, but mostly it's the free dinner. If I attend the United College English Table and the Chung Chi College English Table, that amounts to 2 "free" dinners a week. Included with the Mandarin Table I attend at New Asia College on Monday nights, that comes out to 3 free dinners a week. Which is quite helpful to someone on a tight budget!

My table at the Chung Chi College English Table. Members of our table won all the contests that evening, the Bingo contest and the Speech Contest.

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