Tuesday, January 23, 2007


As a Eu Tong Sen Fellow, not all costs are covered by the fellowship. Here are some costs which should be prepared separately:

Office of Academic Links Fee for Visa Application, Bedding supplied in your dorm, and Orientation. About HK$1450.
Until checking in at the OAL office, I was unaware I would be assessed these charges. The breakdown is as follows: HK $470 for Student Visa Application. Interestingly enough, some students opted to enter HK with a visitor visa and then, after collecting a sponsor letter from the OAL office, went and submitted the application to the Immigration Department of Hong Kong themselves for only HKD$160. In this case, I am not sure whether or not they were still assessed the HK$470 by OAL, but they sure saved themselves a good chunk of change if they weren't! The bedding, while highly convenient, was a bit of a bad deal. I had actually brought some of my own bedding from Beijing with me, which was much better in quality and half the price of the dismal gray set I was given at a cost of HK$380. With regards to the orientation, I was very impressed with the amount of organization and preparation, but realized that I had paid for it all, down to the xerox copies in my packet. I realized I had better attend the meals and tour since I had already been charged HK$600 for it. The one down side to orientation was that no distinction was made between the graduate students and the undergraduate students. I felt like I was swimming in a sea of youngsters. I would have really appreciated having an organized opportunity to meet graduate level peers and seeing what type of research they were pursuing at CUHK.

Caution Money and Hostel Deposit. About HK$1950.
Another expense which I was unaware would be levied were the deposits. The Caution Money seems to be general monies they keep for any administrative havoc you might cause. (i.e. if you withdraw). The Hostel Deposit is, likewise, taken for any damage you may cause to your dorm room. I was later informed by OAL that, if there is no problem, these deposits will be refunded after the semester ends.

First Month's Rent. Somewhere around HK$2975.
Since Eu Tong Sen funds may not be ready by the due date of the first month's dorm rent, you should have this money prepared just in case. I entertained the thought of living in ShenZhen and commuting into CUHK....for a split second.

So besides your personal costs upon arrival, you should also prepare around HK$6,400 to settle some fees.

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